Range 7 a 17 Kw

Direct self expansion
with remote condenser


Technical Table


•Compact equipment
•Reliable operation 24/7
•Easy maintenance access
•Very high energy efficiency
•Precise temperature and humidity control
•Ideal technology for great thermal load variations
•Low noise and automatic fan speed adjustment
•Wide range of optional configurations
•High performance EC fans
•Vertical (wall) or horizontal (ceiling) installation
•according to the needs of the customer.

Technical Description

The air conditioners of the CPM line are compact equipment designed for application in critical mission environments with high sensible heat factor for temperature, relative humidity and air quality control. Designed for continuous, reliable, and long-lasting operation. With precise control of temperature and humidity, low power consumption, and low noise level. Optimized airflow by applying CFD tools for maximum efficiency, low power consumption and fans with EC-technology motor.

The CPM evaporator unit can be installed in either a vertical or horizontal position.

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